The state of being conscious refers to attainment & maintenance of a level of physiological arousal or alertness which permits the conscious being aware of, to remember, to recall both past & contemporary, internal and external events. The state of being conscious essentially refers to a state of wakefulness & knowingness. Today a young woman reached out and found what I had posted a while ago I wanted to share it again today.
It's been said, people can only be as good as their thoughts, as successful as mental patterns, as progressive as their ideas. In today's society being conscious is to listen to our thoughts, praying for divine guidance and following the intuitive urging. Globally many unconscious individuals believe education, money, fame & notoriety are instrumental to their success. If you are aware of the misconceptions of success you realize they are as useful as dirty dishwater without a clear firm, focused mind. The process is quite simple to be conscious of who you are as individual. When you develop a strong faith and connection to the Creator. Demonstrate a healthy love and respect for your ancestors and parents, being committed and dedicated to your family traditions. And a trusting relationship to the spirit of your soul. Trust your conscious and your first thought regardless of what others may say. You own conscious takes you to the places you need to be...
With that being said let's all work collectively in making our neighborhood and communities more fruitful and inspiring.
Have a terrific day and may the Creator guide your journey to be successful.
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